Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Kathleen Legaspi ABC News San Diego 2017

Kathleen Legaspi posing as talent agent Shei Allyndl to bilk money from parents for photos of their children.

Direct YouTube link:

Kathleen Legaspi Faces Court 2015 - KGTV 10 News San Diego

Kathleen Legaspi, infamous in San Diego.  View her television appearance from 2015 where she plead guilty to 2 out of 5 counts of felony fraud, including ripping a woman off for $15,000.

As of 2017, based on recent reports we've received, she is up to her old tricks again and ripping people off in a talent scam where she takes money from parents to get photos done of their children for commercials.  The photographers and makeup artists get stiffed and the parents/kids walk away with nothing, and Kathleen walks off with their money.

Kathleen Legaspi Known Aliases as of 2017

Kathleen Legaspi has been conning good, hardworking people for well over a decade now. She has had her run-ins with the law, has spent time in jail, and was convicted in San Diego in 2015 for scamming a woman out of $15,000.

But here we are in 2017 and, true to form, she's straight back to scamming people in a modeling/commercial talent con game.  One of her greatest assets is her ability to change names to perpetuate her frauds.  Since 2005, she has had 15 known aliases which are listed below.

  1. Shei Alen
  2. Shei AllyndL
  3. Kathleen AllyndL
  4. Kathleen Alen
  5. Sophia Barbarella
  6. Sophia Dash
  7. Sophia L Dash
  8. Sophia Legasi (not Legaspi)
  9. Sophia Vale
  10. Sophia Vale Branch
  11. Shei Sophie
  12. Shei Val
  13. Shei Legasi
  14. Kathleen Kafashian
  15. Kat Kafashian

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Kathleen Legaspi still scamming in 2017: Her new aliases are Shei Alen, Shei AllyndL, Kathleen AllyndL and Kathleen Alen

Kathleen Legaspi still scamming in 2017 even after all these years, even after being convicted of fraud, even after serving time in jail.  She has a bottomless pit of aliases she uses to run her con game and no doubt she'll come up with more after this post.

A new email from more victims

I am one of the newest families that have been conned by this despicable woman.  Can you please update her alias to include on your blog?

  • Shei Alen
  • Shei AllyndL
  • Kathleen AllyndL 
  • Kathleen Alen

There was another news story run on San Diego Channel 10 at 5pm on Thursday May 4th.  If that can be added that would be great!

We have been trying to shut down her activity through other agencies, photographers and other companies we have found that were working with her as well.

We know that one of the other families has been in contact with you and the other owner of this blog and we appreciate all of the help!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Alert: Talent Agent Modeling Scam in Carlsbad

From a reader: I just saw her pics again on 10 News.  She's now a modeling agent scamming people in Carlsbad