We wish to make the public aware that Kathleen Legaspi's latest known alias is Sophia Vale Branch. See image to the left.
If you are in the clothing business, or looking to get into the clothing business, then you should know her latest business name is Barbarella Inc.
You can view the Barbarella business registration information here.
We have known reports of her scamming people out of money under this Barbarella name. She will say she needs money up front to get things going, to get samples created, etc and then eventually she'll ask for more money. And then when nothing is going to plan and she is unable to produce samples or keep up her end of the bargain, she will try to turn the tables on you and make you feel guilty. That's what allows her to keep perpetuating this scam and bilk more money out of victims. Do not fall for it and be firm.
She can hide behind the "I'm just not a good business woman" defense, but when you look at the LONG string of people who have lost significant sums of money to her over the years, then it appears to be a lot more than just "bad luck" or "bad business skills."
Word to the wise: do not do any business with her unless you are paying money to a legitimate third party (who could produce your samples). She must not receive any money directly from you unless she completes her end of the deal TO YOUR SATISFACTION. Once she has your money, she holds all the cards and can do whatever she wants - including jerking you around and wasting your time.