Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Kathleen Legaspi Sued by Midland Funding LLC

Kathleen (aka Sophia Barbarella) continues to add to her ever growing massive pile of debt (and victims).  In many ways, it's similar but the exact opposite to being a billionaire.  After the first 100 million, any more money is purely academic. In Kathleen's case, she is so far in debt to so many people that it's a moot point to stop.  Additional debt and civil charges are purely academic and mean nothing to her.  Court is not a penalty. She has demonstrated this over and over again for nearly a decade.

You can see below this court listing filed by Midland Funding LLC, which appears to be a collection agency.  And these guys don't tend to pursue court cases for small dollar amounts, so it is possible this was a considerable sum to motivate them to put the elbow grease into it. 

The image below shows who Midland Funding is.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sophia Barbarella is Actually Con Woman Kathleen Legaspi

Sophia Barbarella is Con Woman Kathleen Legaspi -latest alias

Kathleen Legaspi's latest Facebook page shows she has dubbed herself Sophia Barbarella as of November 2014.  

The good news is that as Kathleen's victim list continues to expand and public awareness of this website grows, there will be an army of eyes and ears to inform us of her latest tricks.  

She can change her name as often as she likes, swap phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and register new "businesses."  As soon as we find out about it, it will become public knowledge here.  

If you are concerned about a friend or family member doing business with Kathleen (aka Sophia Barbarella, Sophia Dash, Sophia Vale, Sophia Vale Branch, etc), please alert them to this site and tell them to hold onto their money.

Beware: BeBarbarella is Kathleen Legaspi's latest "business" venture

It's true a leopard never changes its spots, but it can certainly change its name like a chameleon.

We wish to make the public aware that Kathleen Legaspi (aka Sophia Dash, Sophia Vale, Sophia Vale Branch, or whatever name she's given herself these days) is actively running her clothing business known as Barbarella.  You can view the website at http://www.bebarbarella.com. The listed contact details are:

9895 Erma Road
San Diego, CA 92131
Phone number: 858-610-087

We have reports of individuals losing significant sums of money in the form of cash and credit card charges up to $15000 in 2014.

Kathleen is known to hire people to work for her.  Then, when it all collapses, her "employees" are left out of pocket and money owed to them, not to mention they become the target of angry defrauded victims.  You should be aware that her "employees" are often unwitting participants in her carnival shell game of take and hide the money.

The Instagram photos here list several individuals whom we fear may be unaware of her true identity and the games she plays with other peoples' money.  We would appreciate if anyone can alert the Instagram users listed in these images - thanks in advance.

In particular, we have concerns that Kimberly GH Wong (Instagram username kimberlyghwong) may be her latest "employee" and could be unaware of Kathleen's criminal past.

If you have been a victim of her latest Barbarella incarnation, we would like to know your story. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sophia Vale Branch is Kathleen Legaspi's latest alias

We wish to make the public aware that Kathleen Legaspi's latest known alias is Sophia Vale Branch.  See image to the left.

If you are in the clothing business, or looking to get into the clothing business, then you should know her latest business name is Barbarella Inc.   You can view the Barbarella business registration information here.

We have known reports of her scamming people out of money under this Barbarella name.  She will say she needs money up front to get things going, to get samples created, etc and then eventually she'll ask for more money.  And then when nothing is going to plan and she is unable to produce samples or keep up her end of the bargain, she will try to turn the tables on you and make you feel guilty.  That's what allows her to keep perpetuating this scam and bilk more money out of victims.  Do not fall for it and be firm.

She can hide behind the "I'm just not a good business woman" defense, but when you look at the LONG string of people who have lost significant sums of money to her over the years, then it appears to be a lot more than just "bad luck" or "bad business skills."

Word to the wise:  do not do any business with her unless you are paying money to a legitimate third party (who could produce your samples).  She must not receive any money directly from you unless she completes her end of the deal TO YOUR SATISFACTION.   Once she has your money, she holds all the cards and can do whatever she wants - including jerking you around and wasting your time.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

new victim been scammed with 15K

I am her latest victim scamming me over $15k. Pls contact me at yyyyyyyyyy@gmail.com. I want to see justice and see her behind bars where she belongs.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kathleen's Fictitious Business Name Internet Footprint

One of the ways to protect yourself from being ripped off is to make sure the potential scammer has an internet footprint.  If they don't have one, then you should tread cautiously.  If they do have one, then you must evaluate that evidence and make an educated decision if this is someone with which you should do business.

You can review this for yourself at:  https://arcc.sdcounty.ca.gov/Pages/Fictitious.aspx

Below, you can see multiple fictitious business names registered to Kathleen Legaspi in San Diego County between 2010 and 2012.  This is particularly concerning because most people can barely manage to effectively run one single business, let alone run multiple businesses without having a large team of managers and employees.  When you put this information into context and know that she generally tends to operate alone, plus has multiple small court claims against her, it tends to highlight professional instability and ethical concerns.  Buyer beware.

Kathleen Legaspi Kafashian RipOff Report Rap Sheet

For those interested in Sophia Dash's Ripoff Report back when she was Kathleen Legaspi Kafashian.

View it here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/specific_search/kafashian

You can see many commonalities between these and the current victims' reports from 2013/2014 regarding:

1) taking money but not delivering the service
2) refusal or hesitation in paying
3) bouncing checks when she does finally "pay"
4) incessantly lying to try and gain sympathy to cover her tracks

It is also noteworthy that she is able to perpetuate these ripoffs because she can keep registering businesses under new names.  Unfortunately, if you just pay your money, you can register a business name.  There are no credit checks or any safeguards that keep unethical people from hanging out a new shingle.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kathleen Legaspi (Kafashian) Victims From 2005 - 2007

Back around 2005, Kathleen Legaspi was calling herself Kathleen Kafashian, a last name which she presumably took from her husband at the time Jean Kafashian.

Looking at publicly available court records, it shows that there were a LOT of disgruntled victims trying to get their money back from Kathleen when she was known as Kathleen Kafashian.

In EVERY single one of these court cases, Kathleen was named as the defendant.  Not a good look.
Noting the long list here and the long list from last year and this year (2014), it would be highly advisable to watch your back (and your check book/bank account) if you're doing ANY business with her.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Kathleen Legaspi is now Sophia Vale? A new alias?

One of Kathleen Legaspi's victims alerted us that she is now calling herself Sophia Vale.  Ever the chameleon, she must continually change names, business names, locations, phone numbers, and emails to evade the many victims she's left in her path of destruction.

Unfortunately for Kathleen, with the growing list of victims who want her to face justice (and their awareness of this site), she has fewer and fewer places left to hide.   She can change her name a hundred more times, but we'll know about it as soon as it happens.

Previous aliases have included
Sophia Legaspi
Sophia Legasi
Sophia Dash

It is not known if this is going to be her new "stage name" from here on out or if it is just a transition name until she finds something better.  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Small Claims Cases Against Kathleen Legaspi (Sophia Dash) in San Diego

You can see from these public records that she has numerous small claims cases against her in Kearny Mesa and San Diego courts dating back to 2005.  Note there were a number of new cases in 2013 which show that she is still up to her old tricks and taking her to court has no effect on her changing her ways.

By all accounts, she is a frequent flyer in the San Diego court system and evidence that a leopard doesn't change its spots.


Breach of contract civil case against Kathleen Legaspi (Sophia Dash) in San Diego County

Publicly available court records from February 2014 show Kathleen Legaspi on the defendant side of a civil case for breach of contract in San Diego County.  Click the image below or follow the original source link here to view for yourself.  Note all of the aliases they had to list out.  Will the real Kathleen Legaspi please stand up.


It is good to see that not all victims are rolling over, playing dead, and walking away.  Sad to say, it is unlikely that she will pay whatever the damages are, even with a judgment against her.

Kathleen Legaspi/Sophia Dash is also a fiction writer

Always the self-proclaimed "victim," Kathleen Legaspi (alias Sophia Dash), upon learning there was a central blog documenting her transgressions, took to the internet in early 2014 to try her hand at writing fiction.


Kathleen refers to herself in the third-person alias Sophia Dash, but it is not known if these Yahoo Voices clips are meant to be autobiographical or written by someone else.  She quickly deleted the account associated with the article, but the content still remains with her picture.  Either way, it is a laughable, albeit sad, attempt to deflect attention away from the many evil acts she has perpetrated upon well-intentioned victims.

The main thesis of her rant is that all the bad things that have happened to her over the years were everyone else's doing and that all these people are ganging up on her just because they don't like her.  Well, nobody gets raked over the coals this bad and by this many people for no good reason.

Kathleen tries to play the "I'm just a single mother trying to get by" card, but sadly her victims from 2013 and 2014 have stated that she actually uses her baby as a tool of the trade for gaining sympathy from unsuspecting victims (particularly women with young children themselves).

Kathleen asserts that the "chef was trying to ruin her life" and that "he became obsessed with fame" and "branded himself the 'scandal hero blogger'" and was using "Sophia" as his stepping stone to fame.

Unfortunately, this is just an extravagant fabrication on Kathleen's part and completely ignores the fact that she screwed Chef Laszlo out of $1700 for a dinner he prepared for 20 people.  Read the original complaint from 2006 here.

Unfortunately for her, this is one of those times in life where she barked up the wrong tree, screwed over the wrong person, and now karma is coming back to haunt her.

The blog is NOT an unprovoked vendetta to just ruin some random girl's life.  It is a public service and clearing house to warn the world that there is a predator in their neighborhood.

Despite the fact that Kathleen (Sophia) has racked up quite a collection of victims over the years, she continues to try and delude herself and the world that she is the target of a smear campaign (something she often has to plead when current victims call her out on her lies and non-payment for services/products, bounced checks, etc).

At the end of her rant, one reader left a very unflattering comment which perfectly echoes all of the victims' stories on the blog:

onetoughkitty 2/28/2014
You're kidding right? I actually went to school with this woman and then hung out with her for quite a bit of time back in 2010-2012. She has managed to borrow thousands of dollars money from her friends that have known her since high school and then make promises to pay it back and then she makes all sorts of excused of why she can't pay it back. Have you read the reviews on YELP from her businesses: KLENZ, Look Better Naked and now the BODY LOFT? She's a serious scam artists.

The scariest thing about this comment is that it shows not even her long-time friends and classmates are immune to getting screwed over by her.

Screen shots in case the article is deleted

Barbarella Inc is Kathleen Legaspi's (Sophia Dash's) New Business Name

Beware that Kathleen Legaspi (alias Sophia Dash) has registered the business name Barbarella Inc in San Diego as of January 2014.  http://www.bizapedia.com/ca/BARBARELLA-INC.html  (screen shot below).

Kathleen has a number of recently failed businesses over the past few years which have left a lot of people angry, frustrated, and out of pocket.  Click on each link for Yelp reviews.

It is believed that she is now trying to create some sort of clothing line and, based on recent victims' contact with us (as of May 2014), she is now networking and trying to do business with clothing designers, manufacturers, photographers, models, etc between San Diego and Los Angeles.

If you fit into this category, you must be on heightened alert.  Do NOT give her ANY products or services unless she pays up front in cash first.  Do NOT accept any check from her because there is a very high likelihood it will bounce.  Do NOT engage in any work with her unless you have a contract (not that she cares about them anyway).  You should document ALL dealings with her, ideally by email and text, or you can add a phone recorder app to your smart phone.  You will need this information later to catch her in lies she will inevitably tell you.

Kathleen has a number of recently failed businesses over the past few years which have left a lot of people angry, frustrated, and out of pocket.  Click on each link for Yelp reviews.

Klenz Health Lounge 
Look Better Naked 
Body Loft (read the real reviews, not the fake ones she planted)

If you have been wronged by Kathleen ("Sophia Dash") Legaspit in this latest business venture, please let us know so we can post it here and warn other would-be victims.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Kathleen's Ripoff Report Rubber Check

This Ripoff Report filing was from late last year but was just recently brought to our attention.  This is classic Kathleen Legaspi (alias "Sophia Dash) where she takes the service, writes a rubber check, and then "dashes" for the door.  Almost makes me wonder if this alias she's been using is just her way of flipping the middle finger at her victims.  Very sad.

View it at:

Or click here for a screen shot.

Friday, May 16, 2014

new victim

I believe I am the newest victim of Sophia Dash. My attorney and I are getting ready to take her to court and press charges I would like to know what I am dealing with and see if you would be willing to help out.

I am a Product Development company and well its been a nightmare working with her.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Kathleen (Sophia) asks for "loan" from a hard-working, lower income woman

In a long phone conversation with one of Kathleen's victims yesterday, she told me a story about one of her Look Better Naked clients who was coming in for body wraps.  She was described as a very kind, hard-working woman with a young son whose father (the husband) had died.  She didn't make a lot of money in her job but she had managed to put away a little bit of savings so she could do something nice for her boy.

Somewhere along the line, Kathleen asked her for a "loan" of $2000 which she said she'd "pay back with interest" and could "get her lawyers to draw up some papers to make the loan legal....blah blah blah..."

Fortunately, this woman did not take the bait, but the story nevertheless exemplifies the lengths Kathleen ("Sophia Dash") will go to in order to separate hard-working people from their money.   Given her history of setting up a fake charity page, taking $2000 from a lower-income earner is not beyond her reach.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

again...a new victim of Kathleen Legaspi (Victim #4)

I blacked out my bank/account info. The other is a Western Union receipt, it shows her name so I figured I would send it to you. 

 I appreciate your message. I worked for her for a few months last year. Biggest mistake of my life. I trusted her, she's a complete psycho, liar, fake. She is so

Look Better Naked Health Management San Diego: hilarious & also sad comments on Kathleen Legaspi's yelp account


we just had to save all of these before is too late: 

These are the best comments of Look Better Naked (San Diego):

Friday, January 24, 2014

Steps to put Kathleen Legaspi (Sophia Dash) behind bars

As has been echoed multiple times on this blog, Kathleen Legaspi (fake name Sophia Dash) cannot be trusted under any circumstances.  Her illustrious criminal past spans well over eight years, possibly longer, and includes the following complaints.

  1. Taking money for services which she did not deliver
  2. Receiving services and then refusing to pay 
  3. Paying with checks that would later bounce
  4. Having sex with men, telling them she's pregnant, and then asking for money
  5. Creating businesses and then partnering with legitimate businesses to add credibility
  6. Claiming she was a casting agent in LA, accepting money from models/actors, then offering nothing in return.  This also includes hiring photographers and makeup artists to do head shots and then not paying them.
  7. Incessant lying.  Kathleen knows no boundaries when it comes to lying to get her way.  She is immensely convincing if you don't know her and has a way of gaining sympathy through her lies.
  8. Creating a fake charity page where she pretends she's going to climb Mt Kilimanjaro for the benefit of some orphanage in Kenya.  This is on par with pretending you have cancer and then begging people for money to pay for treatments.  If the link doesn't work, here is a screen shot:
The fact that she is still doing these types of scams in 2014 is very concerning and it appears that it will never stop.  It appears to be pathological and when someone calls her out on it, she goes into victim mode and makes it look like everyone is out to get her.  Do not fall for her crocodile tears.  It is all part of her act to gain your sympathy to further separate you from your money.

If you were defrauded by Kathleen Legaspi (fake alias Sophia Dash) and you'd like to see her face justice, consider the following:
  1. Document all contact with her, particularly emails which will likely be loaded with lies.
  2. Put a call recorder app on your smart phone and keep voice recordings of all conversations.
  3. If you have text messages from her, save them to an external file or do screen shots.
  4. Document all payments to her
  5. Document all bounced checks and amounts you were charged by your bank for her rubber checks.
  6. Did she use the postal service or other technology to commit fraud?  If so, this may be an actionable offense.  See these links:
    1. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1343
    2. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-63
  7. Be willing to press charges and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
  8. Once we find her parole officer (likely in LA county), then it may be worth bringing your case to his/her attention.  If you know of a law enforcement official (parole or probation officer) in San Diego, please bring this to our attention.
She may claim that she can't go to jail because she has a daughter, but what kind of responsible mother would commit such rampant fraud on so many levels?  If anything, based on recent victims' reports, her baby has been a handy tool for gaining trust of her would be victims.  She can leverage this on women who also have young children to gain sympathy and then strike when they soften up.

Kathleen has made it clear that she will not stop ripping off people.....ever.  If you were a victim and know of other potential victims, please bring this blog to their attention so they can post their story.

victim #3 (a lot more victims to come)

Hi! I had commented on your blog, with the email address "xxxxxyyyyy@gmail.com". I recently got taken advantage of by Kathleen, or Sophia, as well. I'm preparing a case to take to the police department in San Diego, and would love to collaborate with you eyes it seems like you have a lot more information on her than I do.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

new victim #2

"I didn't call Sophia. She contacted me, because she saw my post on that blog. The person that sent it to me apparently sent it to her. I did ask her how I was listed as a business owner on any of her businesses and of course she doesn't know. I did tell her that I don't know who she pissed off and why, to the point that they want retribution to take the website down, but I was going to cooperate with whomever to clear my name.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kathleen Legaspi's Facebook page: her fake name has been changed again from Sophia Dash to Sophia L-Dash

Kathleen Legaspi's Facebook page:
her fake name has been changed again from Sophia Dash to Sophia L-Dash

new victim #2

 "She and I met in 2012 in her Look Better Naked business. I was trying to lose baby weight after my son was born. In conversation, she found out I was a marketing consultant and was looking for help.

new victim #2

today we have got an e-mail, mostly this is in it:

"She owes me money, she got several free hours of marketing support, and freelance makeup work with no payment ever. When I met her, I did not have the information about all of her names, and she asked me to assist her with the business license, but in the end it was filed as a corporation... "

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

tom yoga, yelp, body loft, look better naked health

Legaspi is on meetup. Her fake name: "Sophia Legasi"

Con artist Kathleen Legaspi's Twitter account. Her fake name: "Shei Sophie"

Con artist Kathleen Legaspi's Facebook Photos. Her fake name: "Sophia Dash"

Kathleen Legaspi's new victim #1 of 2014

(we are hiding her true identity) 

Victim #1 of 2014: "Can you please call me, she has be up to know good again and owes money to my daughter. 916-xxx-xxxx Is she on parole or probation? I'm really wanting to press charges against her. Thank you for sending me this info and the heads up."

Kathleen Legaspi's new blog starts

below you able to read and comment on our work in 2006-2007, that time we really tried hard to put Kathleen Legaspi in jail. We could keep her in for only a month. Below posts? We are going back in time and posting all the comments www.superripoff.com collected on that time. Then we start with Kathleen again. She is out there and ripping people off. Again.